Bleach Bottle Flips (COP CALLED) | MrBeast

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hey what’s up guys um do you hear that

noise hurricane Matthew is currently

passing through where I live it’s pretty

bad out like it’s the streets are

flooded I don’t have internet our power

is probably gonna go out soon so you

know I thought you know why not do what

any other rational person would do and

make a bleach trickshot montage


let’s do this Oh




so it’s the day after the hurricane

there’s not much bad that happened

there’s some stuff off our roof just a

bunch of leaves everywhere but it’s

actually uh it’s actually pretty nice

out so I’m gonna continue filming

outside now



yes hey yeah yeah hey do you guys see

that where’s the cop I think he’s

watching me he just pulled up

I wonder someone called the cops cuz I’m

sitting here doing bullies Fatih flips

not even joking he’s watching me I

wonder what I did so I’m gonna keep

going even though he’s sitting right

over there watching me I kind of feel


but I gotta film this video so yeah this

is going to be double flips I feel

really weird I looked over there he was

staring right at me yes


prick time for the ring light trickshot

I’m 99% sure I’m about to break this oh

no no way no these fresh









