Your Nails Help Diagnose Nutrient Deficiencies | DrEricBergDC

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let’s use the nail to diagnose some nutritional  deficiencies the outside of the body gives you  

a lot of clues on what’s going on inside just as a  plant if there’s any type of problems in the plant  

can tell you what’s going on in the soil all right  the first presentation is where you have this  

vertical discoloration in the center of your  nail that could be a little protein that can be  

low vitamin d or b12 now you’re going to  be deficient in b12 if you have low protein  

because b12 usually comes from animal protein  all right next presentation you have horizontal  

lines that go across that can be low vitamin  b3 low calcium or low zinc now the next  

presentation has to do with that little white  speck in your nail that is a zinc deficiency  

mostly caused because the person is on a high carb  diet and because it takes six months for the nail  

to grow you can sort of identify a time when you  had a lot of carbohydrate because if it’s right in  

the center it could have been three months ago all  right the next presentation is where you have this  

little chip on your nail now that could also  cross over if you have brittle nails but  

if you get these little chips that just you  bang your nail and then you have this little  

chip that pops off that could be low vitamin  b6 or low magnesium but it can also be in this  

next presentation where we’re talking about  brittle nail low iron or low hydrochloric acid  

now if you’re low in hydrochloric acid  you’re not going to be able to absorb  

magnesium or iron too well so you just might  need to add more acid to be able to absorb these  

minerals now if the nail is all white it could be  that you’re just very protein deficient or your  

kidney or your liver is damaged or you took this  antibiotic that could be causing this presentation  

if the nail is really really soft okay it’s  not very strong that can be low calcium  

calcium gives the strength of the nail makes  it very rigid and you may need vitamin d to  

help you absorb that calcium because vitamin  d helps the absorption of calcium by 20 times  

in this next presentation we have a club now  kind of a box like square and that is usually  

a heart problem or it could be a liver problem or  a lung issue because you don’t have enough oxygen  

all right next presentation is the spoon effect  if the nail starts coming up like that that is an  

iron deficiency so as you can see certain minerals  or certain vitamins can create different effects  

on the nail now if your nail is a bit bluish that  can be low oxygen if your nail is a bit too yellow  

that can be jaundice which is a liver problem that  occurs when there’s obstruction in your bile ducts  

so it can also be related to your gall bladder  in which case you need bile salts in this next  

presentation we have the lower part of the nail  which is either discolored or you lost that little  

luna that little horizontal white presentation  at the bottom of your nail that is usually  

liver cirrhosis it could be a heart problem or  diabetes now if your nail is becoming distorted  

or it’s excessively thick or you have  these horizontal ridges in the center part  

that is usually low biotin which is a b vitamin  in this next presentation you have these vertical  

red lines these are broken capillaries this is  low vitamin c if you have this condition you may  

also have bleeding gums you can have little  spider veins in various parts of your body  

in this last presentation we have these  vertical ridges this could be quite a few  

things it could be low protein a high carb diet  could be low b12 or low iron because you’re not  

getting enough protein because most b12 and iron  comes from animal protein all right thanks for  

watching and i will see you in the next video hey  before you go if you’re benefiting from any of my  

content i would love to hear about your success  story please share it in the link down below